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Discover the benefits of investing in the Maldives

Why Invest in Maldives?

Over the past two decades, the Maldives has experienced consistent development and maintained economic resilience despite global shocks. The government's pro-market policies have fostered a strong, transparent, and liberal trading environment, aligning with its vision for a robust economy. As part of its commitment to economic stability, the government has implemented various policies that create appealing prospects for foreign investors.

The Maldives






Maldivian Rufiya





Sq km

Maldives is a go-to destination for entrepreneurs and investors to do business in the most pristine natural setting.  

The Maldives is a chain of coral atolls in the Indian Ocean, straddling the equator. The nation comprises over 1,190 coral islands grouped into 26 natural atolls, spanning approximately 90,000 square kilometers. These atolls and their islands are encircled by protective reefs, home to some of the world's most breathtaking underwater life.

The population is dispersed across the atolls, with inhabitants residing on 188 islands. Around 170 islands have been developed into tourist resorts, with many more under development. The remaining islands are either uninhabited or used for industrial and agricultural purposes.

Why Invest in the Maldives

Over the past two decades, the Maldives has experienced consistent development and maintained economic resilience despite global shocks.

The government's pro-market policies have fostered a strong, transparent, and liberal trading environment, aligning with its vision for a robust economy. As part of its commitment to economic stability, the government has implemented various policies that create appealing prospects for foreign investors.

Incentives for Investors

  • Unified business registration services though Invest Maldives
  • No restrictions on repatriation of profits and capital proceeds
  • Customs duty exemptions for large scale projects
  • Easy entry by obtaining Business Visa or Corporate Resident Visa
  • Freedom to use foreign managerial, technical and unskilled workers
  • Allows for the availability of international arbitration in dispute settlement
  • No foreign exchange restrictions
  • Long leases of land for up to 99 years

Impressive Economic Performance

Maldives has experienced significant economic growth and infrastructure development. The Maldives GDP in 2022 stood at US$ 6.19 billion, with a per capita GDP of US$ 10,965. The economy is projected to grow by 4.7% over the medium term, driven primarily by the tourism sector. This growth outlook is supported by protective fiscal adjustments, including subsidy reforms and a broader role for the private sector.

With growth in construction and tourism, the outlook for 2024 and 2025 is positive, with the economy expected to expand by 5.4% in 2024. The government has prioritized promoting and expanding tourism, aiming to open new resorts this year and complete the Velana International Airport passenger terminal by Q4 2024 to accommodate higher tourist arrivals. The robust tourism sector will also drive growth in related industries, such as transportation and communication, and wholesale and retail trade, further strengthening private consumption.

Liberal pro-business policies

The government's pro-market policies create a robust, transparent trading and investment environment, aligning with their economic vision. These policies provide attractive incentives and opportunities for foreign investors, contributing to the government's goal of establishing a strong and stable economy.

Economic diversification

The Maldives is dedicated to diversifying its economy by promoting investment in specific sectors like construction, agribusiness, transport, energy, and finance. With its unique characteristics, the Maldives offers substantial economic prospects. The country's location, beauty, infrastructure, and human capital present opportunities for investing in innovative technologies and solutions across various sectors to fully utilize its economic advantages.

An educated tech-savvy workforce

Out of the total population of 515,132 in the Maldives, 25% are expatriates residing and working there. Since the late 1990s, the Maldives has consistently maintained a high adult literacy rate of over 98%. Universal primary education was accomplished in 2002, with no notable gender inequality. With the highest mobile internet usage in South Asia, 63% of the population and 60% of households in the Maldives accessed the internet in 2019. The country is home to a young and technologically proficient population that is open to embracing new technologies and facing new challenges.

Ease of doing business

Significant progress has been achieved in enhancing the business environment of the country. Revisions in laws, regulations, and streamlined procedures have simplified the registration and operation processes for foreign investments. These changes aim to provide clarity, security, convenience, and efficiency to investors interested in investing in the Maldives.

Strategic Location

Owing to its central location, the Maldives gains strategic importance in the Indian Ocean through critical sea lanes of communication and trade cutting through its territory.

Over 70,000 cargo ships pass through this region every year. The value of goods transported is estimated to be US$ 18 trillion per annum. By connecting to the Indian Ocean maritime transport routes and capitalizing on the growing transshipment traffic, Maldives has tremendous potential to become a key highway for global trade and energy flows.   

International Connectivity


International Airports


Domestic Airports

World’s largest seaplane fleet

Lying at the crossroads of East and West, the Maldives plays a strategically important role with global market access to more than 30 major cities of the world within 5 hours by air.

It is just one hour away from Colombo and Trivandrum, India and approximately four hours from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Dubai. Five international airports operate daily flights to different parts of the world, and several domestic airports along the length of the country offer easy accessibility to all parts of the country.  

Expansion of Velana International Airport – the main gateway to Maldives

International Passenger Terminal

  • 78,000 sqm of floor space
  • 7 million passengers / year
  • 9000 sqm of luxury duty free boutiques & F&B outlets
  • 14 international air traffic movements, 1700 arriving passengers, 1600 departure passengers per hour.


  • Length: 3400 meters
  • Width: 60 meters
  • Can accommodate Airbus A380

Seaplane Terminal

  • 28,000 square meters of floor space.
  • Capacity to process 500 passengers per hour
  • 45 docking stands

Cargo Terminal

  • Floor area of 18,000 sqm
  • Capacity to handle 120,000 tons of cargo per year.

Inter-island connectivity

Domestic Airlines

Seaplane Transport

High Speed Ferry Network

Comprehensive Marine Transport Network

Domestic Air Transport

The Maldives’ physical infrastructure is geared for future economic diversification. The country has a developing transport network including nationwide ferry services for inter-atoll and intra-atoll connectivity; and bus services for efficient internal transport within islands. Initiated by the Raajje Transport Link brand, fast, reliable, efficient, affordable, and sustainable transport system provides mobility from each and every zone from north to south. Furthermore, privately operated speedboat services and private speed ferries also operate scheduled trips to islands and airports. 

Seaplane Transport

The Maldives is also home to the largest seaplane fleet in the world. Well-organized and scheduled seaplane operations provide efficient and convenient transfers to resort islands outside Male’ atoll. 

Marine Transport

The inhabited islands of the country are connected by inter-atoll and intra-atoll public ferry services and by privately operated speedboat services. Private speed ferries also operate scheduled trips to islands in Male’ Atoll directly from the Velana International Airport. The RTL network offers high speed marine transport between the islands and atolls with daily schedules.

Resilient Economy

USD 11,100

Nominal GDP Per Capita






Average Real GDP growth


The Maldives economy rests on secure economic foundations. 

GDP Growth (2014 - 2023)

Despite the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2008-2009 financial crisis that severely affected the tourism sector and the wider economic activities, Maldives continued to expand its per capita GDP to become an upper-middle income country in 2010 and to graduate from the UN list of least developed countries in 2012.  In 2020, Maldives became one of the hardest hit countries from the global Covid-19 pandemic. Albeit the economic slowdown that followed, the Maldivian economy observed a robust recovery in 2021 with a staggering 32% in economic output. Despite the closing of key markets, the Maldivian tourism sector managed to diversify its source markets and maintain the momentum in the following years. 

Although the Maldives lacks natural resources and scale economies enjoyed by other countries in the region, our economy has surpassed all South Asian countries to achieve the highest income per capita from the region. The Maldives is committed to further diversifying its economy by facilitating investment in targeted sectors with greater resilience to external shocks.  

Dynamic Workforce

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Adult Literacy Rate

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Secondary Enrolment

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Labor Force Participation

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Mobile Usage

With a population of just over half a million, Maldives has an educated, tech-savvy workforce ready to take on challenges in industries that are already present and beginning to take root. 

The country’s youth population (18-34 years) comprises of a large portion of the labor force, accounting for around 50% of the country’s labor force. Out of the total youth population, 53% are females and 47% are males. More than 35 percent (female 36 percent; male 35 percent) of Maldives’ population are young people aged 15-35 preparing to enter the workforce. 

The Maldivian Government is committed to diversifying the economy by accelerating human capital accumulation, increasing employment opportunities for young people, and promoting equitable economic progress. To achieve these goals, the government emphasizes entrepreneurship programs, as well as upskilling and reskilling through technical and vocational training. These initiatives are designed to enhance participation in key sectors such as tourism, tourism-related industries, construction, information and communications technology, and agriculture. Moreover, the bilingual education policy that has been in place for the last several decades has fostered widespread proficiency in English, equipping the workforce with essential language skills for international business.

Advanced Digital Connectivity

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4G Coverage

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Mobile subscriber penetration

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Internet penetration

The Maldives stands as the leader in internet penetration and usage in South Asia, with robust government initiatives driving this digital transformation.

Investments in high-speed broadband have resulted in 100% home broadband coverage across national households, complemented by extensive mobile and internet coverage on every island. The nation is linked by a cutting-edge fiber optic submarine cable system, ensuring that even the most remote parts of the archipelago are connected with the latest communications technology.

With a remarkable 153% mobile subscriber penetration, 147% internet penetration (fixed and mobile), and 158% cellular mobile connections relative to the population, the Maldives is exceptionally well-connected. The country also boasts 100% 4G and 46% 5G mobile coverage, highlighting its commitment to staying at the forefront of digital connectivity.

This advanced infrastructure provides fertile ground for digital trade, positioning the Maldives as an emerging hub for online commerce in the region. The government's OneGov platform further enhances this digital landscape by offering an integrated online portal where both the public and businesses can seamlessly access all government services.

The widespread adoption of digital tools is evident, with over 70% of the population engaged in internet. An impressive 60% of all transactions are conducted through digital channels, reflecting the country's rapid shift towards a cashless economy. The Maldives' digital ecosystem is not just a testament to its technological advancement but also a promising area for investment and innovation.